I am going to name people who sponsored chaos against RAILA ODINGA in my area, I know them


Monday, April 4, 2022 – Soy MP, Caleb Kositany, has promised to name people who funded the chaos meted at the ODM leader, Raila Odinga, where his chopper was damaged.

Speaking on K24 today, Kositany said he knows the leaders who ferried youths to the burial of businessman Jackson Kibor with the aim of causing violence.

According to Kositany, the youths were initially paid to heckle aspirants vying for the Uasin Gishu gubernatorial seat.“There are youths who were ferried to the venue of the funeral specifically to heckle opponents of some gubernatorial candidates, me included,”

“And those are the youths who probably eventually stoned Raila Odinga’s chopper, we have an idea of who did it and are going to name them soon,” Kositany said.

The revelation by Kositany comes after he was grilled by DCI on suspicion that he was among those who organized the violence.

The Director of Criminal Investigation (DCI) had named him, Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, and Uasin Gishu County Assembly Speaker David Kiplagat as the main planners and funders of the violence directed at the ODM leader.

Kositany, who is a close ally of Deputy President William Ruto commended the DCI officers in the manner in which they interrogated them saying the officers had a lot of false information pertaining to the incident.

“We recorded our statements and I want to commend the police for the way they handled the issue. They had a lot of false information, and when we gave them our side of the story they seemed to understand what was happening.”

Deputy President William Ruto while condemning the violence meted at his arch-rival said his party will disqualify any leader found to have funded violence.

“And if any of our party candidates were involved in the violence that was meted against Hon. Raila Odinga, we are going to take disciplinary action against them.” DP Ruto said.

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