I can’t stand him – MIGUNA MIGUNA vows to do the unimaginable if RAILA ODINGA beats RUTO in the August polls!

 Wednesday, April 27, 2022 – Firebrand Lawyer Miguna Miguna has continued to spread his hate against Azimio La Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga.

Venting on Twitter, Miguna vowed to do the unimaginable should Raila beat Deputy President William Ruto in the August 9th presidential contest.

He vowed to renounce his Kenyan citizenship if Raila Odinga becomes president after the August 2022 General Election.

The Canada-based lawyer further said he will sell all his property in Kenya should the ODM leader Raila Odinga occupy the house on the hill after president Uhuru Kenyatta.

“If Raila Odinga becomes president of Kenya, I will sell all my property there and renounce my citizenship,” Miguna Miguna said in a Tweet.

This comes even as Miguna was exiled to Canada for administering an illegal oath to Raila in 2018 as the People’s President.

His efforts to return home have been futile as President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government wouldn’t just accept him back.

The government advised Miguna to reapply for Kenyan citizenship afresh to be allowed back, something the controversial lawyer has vowed he will never do since he never renounced his Kenyan citizenship in the first place.

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  1. Who cares after all.Give us a break, we have so many issues to tackle
