KIBAKI was a tribalist, corrupt and a murderer…. here is MIGUNA MIGUNA’s harsh tribute to the late MWAI KIBAKI


Friday, April 22, 2022 – On Friday, the country was thrown into shock following the untimely demise of former President Mwai Kibaki, and exiled lawyer Miguna Miguna seems to differ with Kenyans on how to mourn him.

While many Kenyans including political leaders paid moving and positive tribute to the late President, controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna in his true element paid negative tribute to Mwai Kibaki terming him a President who failed Kenyans and natured corruption.

Taking to Twitter on Friday, Miguna said it was wrong to compare Kibaki with other freedom fighters such as Pio Gama Pint and Kwame Nkrumah.

“I eulogize TRUE African heroes. FREEDOM FIGHTERS. Those who had transformative visions and did everything to leave a genuine legacy of liberation. Pio Gama Pinto. Amilca Cabral. Thomas Sankara. Chris Hani. Kwame Nkrumah. Ruth First. Not renegades like Kenyatta, Kibaki, or Raila.” Miguna said.

In his tribute, the exiled lawyer shared only the negative side of Kibaki in what he termed as the legacy of the late president.

Miguna revisited the Artur Brothers who attacked The Standard Group alleging that they were brought by Kibaki.

“Mwai Kibaki’s Legacy, Raised then trashed Kenyans’ hopes. Brough Artur Brothers attacked @StandardKenya and presided over Anglo Leasing Scandal. Stole 2007 elections, murdered innocent Kenyans, and tribalized @StateHouseKenya.” Miguna said.

At the same time, the outspoken barrister pointed out that the late President will be remembered for presiding over the Anglo Leasing Scandal where Kenyans lost billions of shillings.

Miguna who recently declared his support for Deputy President William Ruto in the upcoming elections reminded Kenyans that Kibaki stole the 2007 elections.

Miguna alleged that the 2007 controversial election led to the loss of lives of many innocent Kenyans in what he says was directly caused by the former President.

The controversial lawyer said Kibaki will also be remembered for tribalizing the State.

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