MC JESSY will never forgive RUTO – See how he tricked him to abandon his political ambitions with a campaign job?

 Friday, April 22, 2022 – Comedian Jasper Muthomi, popularly known as MC Jessy, has revealed how Deputy President William Ruto duped him with a campaign job to abandon his ambitions of becoming the next MP for Imenti South.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Jesse revealed that on the 13th of this month, he was called for a meeting at the DP’s office in Karen alongside his competitor in the race for the UDA ticket in the Imenti South parliamentary seat.

The nominations were scheduled to happen the next day on April 14.

According to the comedian, the DP implored them to settle on one candidate through consensus and they agreed to continue with negotiations at a later date.

However, the comedian noted that he was shocked to see the Deputy President send out a statement claiming that Jessy had stepped down in favour of another United Democratic Alliance (UDA) candidate, Mwiti Kathaara.

“I went there knowing that I was the prominent aspirant, I had even told the people that were we going for nominations. Maybe the mistake I made was to accept dialogue.

“I did not stand there to admit that we had agreed to step down, when people visit Ruto’s residence they take photos and the information about me stepping down was shared later on social media platforms. That was not what we agreed,” Jesse insisted.

Jessy made it clear that he did not accept to relinquish his seat in favour of Kathaara and that he had decided to vie as an independent candidate after his supporters learnt of the trick played on him. 

According to the comedian, what transpired in the meeting is not what was made public afterward.

Despite the fallout, Jessy maintained that he would still support Ruto in the upcoming elections.

“The lesson I have learnt is to never trust a politician. And avoid confiding people about your political moves, you never know what they do with it,” he remarked.

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