REVEALED: How KALONZO is scheming to ensure RAILA ODINGA loses the Mombasa vote in August – Is he on the DP’s payroll?


Wednesday, April 27, 2022 – Mvita Constituency Member of Parliament Abdulswamad Nassir has alleged a nefarious plot by former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka of ensuring former Prime Minister Raila Odinga loses the Mombasa vote to his competitor Deputy President William Ruto during the August 9th poll.

Speaking on Wednesday, Abdulswamad, who is vying for the Mombasa Gubernatorial seat on the Orange Democratic Movement ticket, said Kalonzo has urged Mike Sonko to vie for governor in Mombasa using the Wiper Democratic Movement party ticket to ensure he divides Raila’s votes in the county.

“Stop interfering in Mombasa politics by pushing Mr. Sonko to Mombasa. About a month ago I traveled with Mr. Sonko and he did not tell me that he was planning to get this seat. If Kalonzo really needed Mombasa, wouldn’t he come on his own? Why send Sonko?” asked Mr. Abdulswamad

“He is sending politicians to contest for seats in areas where Mr. Odinga has strong support, to divide his vote. It’s just a game of cats and mice but we don’t fear it. Mr. Sonko is not at fault he is just a slave,” Abdulswamad added.

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