See the millions Nairobi cartels gave TIMOTHY WANYONYI to drop his gubernatorial bid in favor of POLYCARP IGATHE – They raised the money in minutes.

 Friday, April 22, 2022 – It is now official that Westlands Member of Parliament, Timothy Wanyonyi, has dropped his Nairobi gubernatorial ambitions in favor of corporate guru and former Nairobi County Deputy governor, Polycarp Igathe.

In an official announcement made by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Wanyonyi dropped his bid and will now fight for his re-election as Westland’s lawmaker on an Orange Democratic Movement party ticket.

However, according to revered blogger and social media analyst, Cyprian Nyakundi, Wanyonyi was pressured by Nairobi cartels to drop his bid in favor of their man Polycarp Igathe.

Nyakundi further stated that Nairobi cartels raised Sh 500 million in minutes to bribe Wanyonyi to drop his bid in favor of Igathe, who they termed as their ‘boy’

“The cartels that have an interest in city hall did not take an hour to contribute Sh500 million,” Nyakundi wrote on his Twitter page.

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