See what a local politician is doing to his opponents and bragging he is untouchable because he is close to power – This is evil? (PHOTOs).

 Thursday, 21 April 2022 – South Kabuoch MCA Geoffrey Ongayo is reportedly unleashing terror on his opponents and still walking free even after committing heinous crimes.

The rogue MCA reportedly brags that he is untouchable because he is well connected in the political circles.

He chest thumps that as long as Gladys Wanga and CS Matiangi are in power, nothing can be done to him.

 A few days ago, he sent goons to attack one of his opponents.

The ruthless goons stormed the homestead of Ongayo’s fierce critic armed with machetes and attacked her livestock.

She was also injured when she tried to defend herself.

See photos.

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