Video of Kisumu Central MP FRED OUDA’s supporters crying like babies after he was defeated by Dr. ORON in the ODM nominations.

 Thursday, April 21, 2022 – A video has emerged of Kisumu Central MP, Fred Ouda’s supporters wailing loudly after he was beaten by renowned philanthropist, Dr. Joshua Oron in ODM primaries.

In the video, supporters of Ouda, who included men and women, were seen crying loudly before the camera, meaning they were deeply affected by Ouda losing to Dr. Oron

Ouda became the first MP in Nyanza to be defeated in the nominations.

Oron emerged victorious after garnering 6,842 votes against the MP’s 5,362.

Oron thanked his supporters and urged losers to join hands and rally behind him to help consolidate votes for Raila Odinga’s presidential bid.

He said elections come and go and people should remain united and committed to the party.

Here is the video of Ouda’s supporters crying like babies after Oron defeated them.

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