At this rate, UHURU is likely to continue ruling even after his term ends in August – Look! You won’t believe this!


Monday, May 23, 2022 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is likely to extend his term beyond 2022.

This is according to the recent activities in the political circles, which have indicated that Uhuru may continue ruling until May 2023.

With all indications that the August polls will be so tight that no candidate is likely to meet the 50+1 threshold required in the presidential bid, meaning that inevitably the country would head to a runoff.

If no candidates get 50 %+1, a fresh election will be called within 30 days after the first election.

Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo has also envisioned the likelihood of a run-off in the coming presidential elections.

“I smell a rerun, it’s imminent. Like I said before the choice of a running mate will decide the 5th. Am not a witch neither am I a prophet but I see.” Kabogo said on Twitter.

With this scenario, it means that a fresh presidential election will be held around September 16, 2022.

President Uhuru might continue being in office if the Judicial process comes into play, where the Supreme Court is asked to determine the validity of the election outcome.

In this scenario, the Supreme Court would invalidate the elections completely, meaning that Kenyans would have to vote for the same candidates for a second time.

If the Supreme Court invalidates the election results like what happened in 2017, a new election will be called within 60 days as required by the Constitution.

In the event, no candidate gets 50% +1 votes, Kenyans will head to a run-off election which might take place around December.

A candidate decertified with the outcome of a presidential run-off might again take the matter to the Supreme Court for determination.

If the Supreme Court again invalidates the election outcome, IEBC will have to call for a fresh election and this could happen around the end of February or early March 2023 and the subsequent swearing-in in May.

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