Baby mama of the slain Mirema Drive criminal mourns – Describes him as a noble man and says his killer will never know peace.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022 – 
A lady
identified as Mary Meddih, a baby mama of the notorious criminal shot 6 times at Mirema Drive on Monday, has taken to social media to mourn his death.

Although her deceased baby daddy was on the police radar over Swim swap and ‘wash wash’ deals, she described him as a noble man and thanked him for making her a mother.

She said he was the best dad ever, adding that his death is a huge blow to their son.

“The noble man who made me a mother has been killed in cold blood,”Baba Koome YOU were the Best Dad Ever… I don’t know how our son will grow without you but I will keep your Legacy through him,” she mourned on Facebook.

She further said that the lone gunman who killed him will never know peace.

“May your killer never know peace. Ti uhoroo..huroka thayu Mugoh….My son. My son… (It is okay, go well),” she added.

Read her post below.

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