Fearless Rift Valley Governor dares RUTO as he puts RAILA’s photo on his campaign posters in the DP’s ‘bedroom’ – This guy has balls of steel (PHOTO)

 Monday, May 23, 2022 – Elgeyo Marakwet Governor Alex Tolgos has become the first politician in Rift Valley to put Raila Odinga’s photo on his campaign posters.

In a poster that has gone viral, Tolgos, who is set to vie for the Elgeyo Marakwet Senate seat on a Jubilee party ticket, vowed to spread Raila’s gospel in a region largely perceived as Deputy President William Ruto’s stronghold by including the ODM leader in his campaign poster.

Tolgos’s bold move comes at a time a good number of leaders allied to Raila Odinga, have conveniently decided to hide their affiliation with the former Prime Minister for fear of political backlash in their respective bases.

Following Raila’s decision to pick NARC Kenya Leader Martha Karua as his running mate, most aspirants from Mount Kenya and Rift Valley, have opted to use her photo in their campaign posters.

Tolgos urged Rift Valley residents to accommodate all political factions and their leaders, saying they should not get mad at him for speaking about Azimio politics in Ruto’s backyard and being Raila’s point-man in the region.

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