Here is CHARITY NGILU’s advice to KALONZO MUSYOKA who is at crossroads like a Hyena after ditching Azimio.


Wednesday, May 18, 2022 – Kitui County Governor, Charity Ngilu, has offered former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka who ditched Azimio La Umoja Alliance on Monday a piece of advice.

Kalonzo ditched the Raila Odinga-led coalition after Narc Kenya Chairperson Martha Karua was appointed as the Azimio’s running mate.

Kalonzo went further and announced his presidential bid in August and named businessman Andrew Sunkuli as his running mate.

Speaking on Wednesday, Ngilu said Kalonzo should rethink his decision of dumping Azimio for the sake of the Kamba community which is currently divided.

“We urge our brother Kalonzo Musyoka to reconsider and remain in Azimio La Umoja so that as a community we can work together towards uplifting our people. 

“Raila Odinga and Martha Karua are Ukambani’s best bet at being in the next government,” Ngilu wrote on her Twitter page.

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