Here is RAILA’s nuclear strategy that has left poor KALONZO with only 1 MP slot in the entire Nairobi County – Never joke with BABA!


Friday, May 6, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has unveiled a new strategy to win votes in as many areas as possible.

Addressing Azimio delegates on Wednesday, Raila rooted for zoning of regions to ensure that only one candidate from the coalition is given the ticket to guarantee the coalition a win.

He explained that the move would guarantee them a high number of seats in the August polls by eliminating sibling rivalry, especially in areas where two or more partner parties enjoy sizable support.

“The areas like you find in Nakuru, if ODM fields a candidate there, then the Jubilee candidate and ODM will share the vote and likely lose the vote.”

“We just want only Jubilee fields and in the other one only ODM fields. ODM members in those 43 wards which are Jubilee strongholds are advised to vote for Jubilee candidates there and the same for ODM,” he stated.

However, Raila’s nuclear move has caused tension in Azimio as it only benefits his ODM and President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee at the expense of other affiliate parties like Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper.

According to Raila’s proposal, for example in Nairobi, Jubilee would receive 8 constituencies as well as ODM while Wiper Party would only field one candidate in Embakasi South.

Similarly, Wiper Party would not receive any ward from the 85 areas in Nairobi as 43 slots would go to Raila and 42 to Jubilee Party.

In the same wavelength, Raila explained that in highly contentious regions, all the parties in the coalition would be given a chance to campaign from their candidate for a month before a poll would deliver the most popular candidate to carry the coalition’s flag.

“Areas where you have Narc Kenya, Wiper or ODM, we have agreed that they will go for campaign for the first one month after which we will do a poll to see which candidate is stronger than the other and advise the weaker one to step down,” he added.

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