MARTHA KARUA dashes RAILA’s hopes of reviving BBI through the backdoor even after BABA ordered her as she maintains the ‘reggae’ was illegal – Look!


Wednesday, May 18, 2022 – Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya presidential running mate Martha Karua appears to have buried Raila Odinga’s hopes of sneaking back BBI through the backdoor.

This is after Raila tasked her with the Justice and Constitutional Affairs docket in which he indirectly told her to revive BBI in case they form the next government.

“As a co-worker I want her to finalise the work of making our Constitution. I want this done because when the late Kibaki and I admitted that our constitution was a work in progress… Because I am a man of my word, I will task her with the assignment of completing what we started and I am persuaded that she has the right pair of hands to accomplish this task,” Raila stated amid cheers at KICC.

However, speaking during an interview, Karua made it clear that her role will strictly follow the rule of law despite being at the center of reforms as assigned by Raila during her unveiling at KICC.

She maintained that BBI was thrown out on grounds of illegalities but explained that if Azimio wins the August 9 polls, she will be willing to steer the constitutional reforms agenda as enshrined in the constitution.

“In my acceptance, I said I will take up that supportive role in accordance with the law. I will be supportive to do things the way they should be done. 

“It will be my duty to my principal, Kenyans, and the country,” Karua explained.

The former Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister in the late President Mwai Kibaki’s administration strongly opposed BBI, which was being pushed by Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta. 

Through a legal battle that was settled by the Supreme Court, the former Gichugu Member of Parliament maintained that the process was flawed.

Her spirited efforts saw BBI declared unconstitutional, denting the hopes of Raila and Uhuru to amend the country’s supreme law.

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