Newborn gets 11 stitches after she fell out head first when her pregnant mum was forced by nurses to walk to another ward

 Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – A newborn baby had to get 11 stitches after she fell out of her pregnant mum head first.

Mum Josian Marques Pereira has slammed the Sofia Feldman Maternity Hospital in Brazil for “negligence”.

Her baby Olivia needed stitches after she fell head first onto the hospital floor while her mother was standing, on May 6.

Officers have launched an investigation to the south-eastern Brazilian hospital.

According to an incident report, heavily pregnant Josian began to have contractions and was rushed to the hospital.

She claims she begged for help as soon as she arrived but was left waiting for around 40 minutes.

When a nurse finally came over, she was told she’d have to walk to another room but Josiane said she couldn’t because she could feel her child coming out.

But according to the report she was forced to get up and walk despite this.

Josiane didn’t have time to leave the hospital reception before her baby fell out and the newborn suffered head trauma, hitting the floor.

The baby was rushed to the Joao XXIII Hospital where she underwent surgery before later being admitted to the Joao Paulo II Hospital.

She was eventually discharged on Wednesday May 11, and is said to be doing well.

Josiane, who is also the mother of a boy, said: “Our focus is on her, taking care of her and staying calm.”

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