POLYCARP IGATHE’S unique campaign strategy now giving RUTO’s man, JOHNSON SAKAJA, a big scare in the Nairobi gubernatorial race – Look!

 Saturday, May 21, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto’s UDA candidate for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat, Johnson Sakaja, is a very scared man following the unique campaign strategy that his competitor, Polycarp Igathe, of Raila Odinga’s Azimio, has employed.

Since he was unveiled as the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya candidate for the city’s top seat, Igathe has literally been everywhere in this city in person explaining his agenda to the people directly.

Although he has been branded as a political non-starter, his campaign strategy is giving Sakaja some sleepless nights.

Whereas Sakaja has been accompanying Ruto and the Kenya Kwanza alliance bigwigs to sell his agenda to Nairobians, Igathe has shunned public rallies or gatherings instead he has been having a direct and personal conversation with the real hustlers on the ground.

In fact, in his first campaign, after he was endorsed by Azimio One Kenya, Igathe visited the ever-busy Marikiti market where he freely interrupted the traders.

He has been sharing the photos of his encounter with informal dwellers such as mama mbogas, and Boda Bodas, and even taking tea with them.

Igathe’s style of seeking votes has already begun touching several people, as social media users warn the Kenya Kwanza team not to underestimate the former deputy governor.

“Initially I thought what Igathe was doing was a joke. But he is touching hearts. What a way to campaign,” Pauline Njau a Twitter user said.

Another random Twitter user George Dianoh said, “Polycarp Igathe is out there doing door-to-door campaign dishing out money left and right akinunulia watu smokie na virenje. But my fellow Luhya man is on top of the SUV shouting that hapangwingwi.”

According to polls by Mizani Africa, Johnson Sakaja is the most popular gubernatorial candidate with 48.4 % support while Igathe is second with 43.1% support.

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