She was his GIRLFRIEND – PHOTO and details of the woman who was dropped by SAMUEL, before he was shot 6 times at Mirema Drive.


Tuesday, 17 May 2022 – Residents of Mirema Drive were treated to a dramatic incident on Monday after a man was shot 6 times by a lone gunman in a suit.

The deceased man, identified as Samuel Mugota, had just dropped a lady and her baby when the assailant, who was trailing him, struck and sprayed him with bullets.

Details are now emerging that the lady he dropped is his girlfriend.

Before the shooting incident, he had taken his girlfriend to pick up her daughter from school.

Samuel, a father of three, was married and lived in Kasarani.

His girlfriend is the lady pictured holding a baby while in the company of a female police officer at the crime scene.

It is alleged that Samuel was involved in shady dealings and might have been killed over a land deal.

He was found in possession of seven different national identity cards.

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