You are on your own, UHURU is too busy to campaign for you – DAVID MURATHE now jolts RAILA with disturbing news.

 Monday, May 23, 2022 – Jubilee Party Vice-Chairman David Murathe has dimmed the hopes of Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga after he told him not to expect President Uhuru Kenyatta to campaign for him ahead of the August polls.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Murathe said the Azimio la Umoja chairman was too busy to hit the road drumming up support for Raila Odinga.

Apart from having so many roles as the President, Murathe further said Uhuru is not on the ticket and thus he will not be popularizing the Azimio presidential candidate in the vote-rich Mt Kenya region.

“You don’t expect him to hit the ground running that is why now you find it is Martha and Raila. They are both on the ticket.”

“Uhuru is not on the ticket. He will be going home in the next 80 days and he has to oversee a peaceful transition and peaceful election. He has stepped into his shoe of being the President and Commander-in-Chief,” Murathe said.

However, Murathe’s sentiments contradict what Uhuru’s allies disclosed the other day.

Speaking during Azimio campaigns in Mt. Kenya, Jubilee Director of Elections Kanini Kega, said that the Head of State will hit the campaign trail in June and July to campaign for Raila and Martha Karua.

According to Kega, Uhuru will be traversing the GEMA region to commission projects, where he will use the occasion to show the region which direction they should take in the August 9, presidential election.

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