KABOGO now reveals how RUTO duped him into supporting his presidential bid as he addresses the widening cracks in Kenya Kwanza Alliance.


Thursday, June 23, 2022 – Tujibebe Wakenya party leader William Kabogo has come clean on the real reason he opted to support Deputy President William Ruto’s presidential bid.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Kabogo revealed how Ruto duped him into supporting him and he foolishly accepted.

Kabogo revealed that his reason for backing Ruto was based on Ruto’s promise that he would allocate more funds to counties based on population hence making Kiambu get the second-largest share of the budget. 

However, he noted Ruto was yet to put their verbal agreement to paper and make it formal.

According to Kabogo, the widening cracks within the Kenya Kwanza coalition is as a result of Ruto not taking seriously the agreements he made with political parties that support him.

“I only joined Kenya Kwanza because DP Ruto agreed with me on my proposal that additional revenue allocation to counties should be based on population and that it would be put into writing.”

“The agreement was a general one awaiting specifics to be put into the agreement which unfortunately until now has not happened,” he noted. 

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