WAJACKOYAH dents RUTO’s State House bid as he eats into his numbers in the latest opinion poll – Look!


Tuesday, June 21, 2022 – Roots party presidential candidate, George Wajackoyah’s popularity has shot to seven percent in the latest poll by TIFA. 

In the survey released on Tuesday, Wajackoyah appears to have dented Deputy President William Ruto’s fortunes after the DP’s popularity in Nairobi County dipped to 25 percent in June 2022.

On the other hand, Azimio la Umoja Presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, has hit the 50 percent mark, from 41 percent in May 2022. 

“This clear popularity-gap of both ODM and Azimio is also reflected in the support distribution for the main presidential candidates, with ODM’s Raila Odinga’s at twice the level of UDA’s William Ruto (50% vs 25%),” TIFA stated. 

Roots party has equaled Jubilee’s popularity in Nairobi County with each party scoring a four percent figure.

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party’s popularity increased from 26 percent to 30 percent, while UDA remained constant at 22 percent. 

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