Back to sender! RAILA rejects the support of Atheists in Kenya as he fights to dissociate himself from them – Look!


Saturday, July 30, 2022 – Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga has rejected the support accorded to him by the Atheists in Kenya following his controversial statement that seemed to discriminate against Christianity.

Speaking yesterday, Raila, through his Azimio lieutenants and Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka, dismissed sentiments by Atheists in Kenya who expressed their support of Raila in ensuring no religion is given special treatment special than the other.

Instead, the former Vice President issued an apology to Christians on Raila’s behalf.

“I stand here and apologise to any Christian who feels offended by Raila’s comments,” Kalonzo pleaded.

The Atheists in Kenya society had earlier issued a statement on the elevation of Christianity over other religions.

The President of Atheists in Kenya Society, Harrison Mumia, lauded the former Prime Minister for speaking on the matter. He further stated Christianity was one justification that European powers used to colonise and exploit Africa.

“For a long part of our history, African traditional religion and indigenous cultures were seen as inferior, barbaric, and backward. It is time we reformed our education system so that future generations can appreciate African traditional religion and culture as part of our history,” Mumia stated.

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