CHEBUKATI is a patented liar, don’t believe or trust him – UHURU’s Government incites Kenyans against the IEBC chairman.


Sunday, July 24, 2022 – The arrest of three foreigners with IEBC materials at JKIA has taken another turn.

This is after the government of President Uhuru Kenyatta moved to incite Kenyans against IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati over the matter.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Chebukati’s statement regarding the arrest of three employees of the Smartmatic technology as inaccurate and misleading.  

In the statement Chebukati issued on Friday evening, the IEBC chairman stated that the three employees were released with conditions. 

“Whereas the impression created by the press release is that the personnel have been released, their release was conditional as they have to appear before the OCS Anti-Terrorism Police Unit on 26th July 2022 which inevitably affects the performance of their duties,” part of the statement by IEBC read. 

In a rejoinder, DCI said that no officials were detained at OCS Anti-Terrorism Police Unit since it was nonexistent in their structure. 

“The Directorate of Criminal Investigations takes with a great exception, the statement issued by the Chairman of the Independent Elections and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Wafula Chebukati, to the effect that three IEBC officials have been detained by ‘OCS ATPU‘.”

“The Directorate hereby clarifies that no such persons have been detained, or any other person working for IEBC anywhere in the territory of the Republic of Kenya. Further, the DCI has no such office known as OCS Anti-Terrorism Police Unit’ in our structure,” part of the statement by DCI read. 

DCI urged the public to treat the statement by Chebukati with the contempt it deserved. 

According to Chebukati’s statement, the election stickers had not been released to the electoral body but were confiscated. 

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