Chief Justice MARTHA KOOME punishes Justice MRIMA for rejecting her dictatorship

 Tuesday, 26 July 2022 – Chief Justice Martha Koome is under fire for transferring Justice Antony Charo Mrima who was set to preside over a case on the conduct of the CJ.

Justice Mrima has been moved to Kitale to replace Justice Luka Kimaru who was recently appointed a Judge of the Court of Appeal.

Senior Counsel Ahmednasir Abdullahi has termed the transfer as punitive saying Mrima may have been moved from the crucial Constitutional Division of the High Court at the Milimani Law Courts due to his decisions that have often been described as anti-Koome or radical.

Kenyans on Twitter have accused the CJ of running the Judiciary like her own organization because of her high-handedness and arrogance.

“Why is CJ Koome judging cases on her own and deliver rulings before the media even before a case in heard and determined. She already had a pre-determined decision on the Sonko appeal case before the Supreme Court even without looking at the grievances stated by Sonko on his impeachment” – said Peter Kamau on Twitter.

Koome had already dismissed Sonko’s appeal before the media even after the High Court directed the IEBC to clear him to vie for the Mombasa Gubernatorial seat in the upcoming general election pending his appeal.

According to the Constitution, a person cannot be disqualified from vying as a candidate whether impeached or convicted until they exhaust their appeals or review of the judgements.

Sonko has already filed for a review of the controversial Supreme Court judgement and he has also moved to the East African court of Justice in Arusha to challenge the move by the Supreme Court to uphold his impeachment by the Nairobi City County Assembly.

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