Has RAILA ODINGA lost KAKAMEGA County to DP RUTO? – See the latest gubernatorial opinion poll.

 Monday, January 18, 2022 – Azimio-One Kenya Alliance Presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, may have lost Kakamega County if an opinion poll conducted by Mizani Africa is anything to go by.

Kakamega county gubernatorial contest is a two-horse race between Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) candidate Fernandes Barasa and Amani National Congress (ANC) candidate Cleophas Malala.

Barasa enjoys the support of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Malala enjoys the support of ANC party leader, Musalia Mudavadi and Deputy President William Ruto.

According to the poll, Cleophas Malala is leading the gubernatorial race with 45.2 percent with Barasa coming second with 43.1 percent.

Veteran politician, Cyrus Jirongo, emerged third with 5.3 percent, while independent candidate Michael Osundwa, closed the poll with 3.2 percent. 

Undecided remained at 2 percent while 1.2 percent voted for other candidates.

Here is the graphical representation of the poll.

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