Is CHEBUKATI running IEBC solo? Commissioner sets the record straight after the surprise arrival of the ballot papers – LOOK!


Sunday, July 10, 2022 – IEBC commissioner Justus Nyang’aya has sought to set the record straight over the alleged internal wrangles that were caused by the surprise arrival of ballot papers from Greece.

This is after it emerged that some commissioners were informed hours before the arrival of the ballot papers and were not aware of what IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati was up to.

Speaking during an interview, Nyang’aya refuted claims that there was infighting in the commission over the arrival of ballot papers that caught many Kenyans unaware.

However, he confirmed that all the commissioners were caught off guard as there was no prior communication. 

He explained that the controversy was caused by the technical team mandated to oversee the printing and delivery of the ballot papers.

Further, he played down allegations of any suspicious activity regarding the arrival of the papers.

“We formed a project implementation committee which was tasked with being the intermediary link between the Greek company and the commission.”

“They are the ones who delayed in communicating the arrival of the ballot papers including the chairman, Wafula Chebukati, himself,” he stated.

During a presser on Thursday, Chebukati denied keeping his fellow commissioners in the dark but dared disgruntled members to speak out publicly.

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