LADY ordered by the court to pay her boyfriend Ksh 23,750 for ‘eating’ fare – She failed to turn up after he sent her money.


Thursday, 28 July 2022 – A middle-aged lady has been ordered by the Milimani court to pay her boyfriend Ksh 23, 750 after he sent her Ksh 3,000 to pay for a taxi to attend his birthday but failed to turn up and switched off her phone.

He took her to the court and presented evidence which includes Mpesa statement and WhatsApp chats, just to prove that he sent her the money.

She was ordered by the court to refund him the Ksh 3,000 that he sent to her plus an interest of Ksh 750.

She was further fined Ksh 20,000 in damages for the emotional anguish she put him through.

The man was excited after the ruling as the lady cried and cursed the magistrate for the harsh punishment.

Police were forced to whisk her away after she tried to cause chaos in the court.

This should be a lesson for ladies who are fond of duping men.

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