Meet a wealthy Kisii businessman who is willing to pay Ksh 100 Million dowry to marry beautiful Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi(PHOTOs).


Saturday, 09 July 2022 – An upcoming politician and businessman from Kisii has a crush on Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi and is ready to spend millions of shillings to win her heart.

Dennis Omanwa said in an interview that he is willing to give Mercy’s parents Ksh 100 million to marry her.

He claims that he has Mercy’s phone number and urged her to pick up his calls when he calls to shoot his shot.

“Let her pick my phone calls because I have her number and we will talk this out,” the 35-year-old businessman said in an interview.

The 36-year-old CAS has a stunning beauty that has seen countless men express their desire to marry her.

Below are photos of Dennis Omanwa, who is obsessed with the beautiful CAS.

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