RAILA is winning this thing in the first round – See what the latest opinion poll by Infotrak has revealed just after the presidential debate where RUTO was all alone?


Thursday, July 28, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto is now a man under siege. This is after the latest opinion poll showed he has lost significantly in popularity rating to Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga with 11 days to the much anticipated August 9th polls.

According to an Infotrak poll released today, Ruto has lost 3% in Kitui, 8% in Machakos, and 5% in Makueni in July.

In early July, the UDA flag bearer had a 29% popularity rating in Machakos County compared to mid-July, where his popularity has dropped to 21%.

In the same duration, the DP’s popularity in Kitui County stood at 24% and in Makueni he had 21% in July 2022 but has since dropped to 21% and 16% respectively in the two counties.

On the other hand, Raila Odinga’s popularity increased from 55% in early July to 57% in mid-July in Kitui County.

In Machakos County, he gained 11% bringing his popularity to 62% from 51% by the end of July.

Raila also had a significant increase in Makueni County where he gained 11% during the same duration. At the moment he enjoys 68% popularity in the county.

This means that Raila will win in round one, at least in Ukambani, if elections were held today.

The latest opinion poll comes just after the presidential debate, where Ruto was all alone after Raila refused to attend.

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