RAILA ODINGA is innocent as KABANDO WA KABANDO names the people who took UHURU and RUTO to the ICC (The Hague)


Monday, July 18, 2022 – Former Mukurweini Member of Parliament, Kabando wa Kabando, has blasted Deputy President William Ruto and his allies for claiming that it is Narc Kenya Chairperson Martha Karua and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga who took him and President Uhuru Kenyatta to the International Criminal Court(ICC) in the year 2010.

During their tour of Kiambu County over the weekend, Ruto and his coterie claimed Raila and Karua were behind the ICC cases where the President and the DP were indicted in The Hague.

But Kabando who is a close ally of Raila and Karua dismissed the claims and said it is Ruto and his allies who were behind the ICC cases.

Kabando further said Ruto and his United Republican Party (URP) battalion were supporting the ICC cases and said Raila and Karua were innocent.

“For Ruto to claim that Karua and Raila took him to The Hague he is lying to Kenyans. He is engaging in politics of opportunism and deceit because, in parliament, Ruto and his brigade who later turned to URP supported moving to The Hague,” Kabando told K24 TV on Sunday.

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