RAILA ODINGA’s man, NDIRITU MURIITHI, heckled in OTHAYA, Nyeri county – DP RUTO chants rent the air (VIDEO)

 Sunday, July 10, 2022 – Laikipia County Governor, Ndiritu Muriithi, wished the earth could open and swallow him on Saturday after being heckled in Othaya, Nyeri County.

Muriithi, who is the head of Azimio Presidential candidate Raila Odinga’s campaign board, was in Nyeri to drum up support for his boss.

The rally went well without a hitch but things started going south when Muriithi started attacking Deputy President William Ruto.

The governor was silenced by youths singing songs in praise of the second in command.

Muriithi’s latest embarrassing moment just confirms that the chances of Azimio getting the support of the Mt Kenya region are dwindling as we get closer to the elections.

Already, Ruto seems to have an upper hand in the Mt Kenya region block as his allies are welcomed warmly as opposed to those in the Azimio camp.

Here is the video of Ndiritu Muriithi being heckled in Othaya.

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