RUTO on the spot yet again as it emerges that he nearly slapped EUGENE WAMALWA and MATIANG’I in front of UHURU and RAILA – Look!

 Sunday, July 10, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto is too temperamental to lead the country.

This is after it emerged that he almost slapped 2 Cabinet Secretaries in 2018, just like he wanted to slap President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2017.

Speaking during Azimio la Umoja rally at Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega County yesterday, Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa also claimed that Ruto nearly slapped him at State House in 2018.

He noted that Ruto nearly slapped him in 2018 when he led a delegation from Western Kenya to State House to meet President Uhuru Kenyatta without his notice.

According to the CS, Ruto became infuriated, claiming that he should have taken the delegation, including Musalia Mudavadi, Wycliffe Oparanya, Governor Otichillo, and Moses Wetangula to him instead of going to meet Uhuru at State House.

Wamalwa said DP Ruto was angered by the event to an extent of nearly slapping him.

“Ata mimi karibu nipate slap ya huyo jamaa. Kuna siku nilipeleka delegation ya waluhya viongozi kwa Rais Uhuru kujadili jinsi ya kufufua kiwanda cha sukari cha Mumias. Jamaa alikasirika akasema mbona uliwapeleka waluhya kwa president badala ya kuwaleta kwangu…”Akasema nyinyi waluhya mlipigia kura mtu wa kitendawili na akaniambia niandike resignation letter nitoke kwa serikali yao,” claimed Eugene. 

While describing Ruto as a man full of anger, Wamalwa also claimed that the DP nearly slapped Interior CS Fred Matiang’i when he was promoted to the post of Super CS by Uhuru.

He said they went to Kisumu in 2018 to launch UHC and when they got back to the State House, Ruto nearly slapped Matiang’i in front of Raila and Uhuru.

“Jamaa alikuwa na hasira sijawahiona. Karibu nipate hiyo slap. Lakini hiyo slap ingeteleza iniguze, mimi singempa shavu lingine, ningempa uppercut moja tungeonana mundu khu mundu. Sio Mimi pekayangu, kuna waziri mwingine Fred Matiang’i karibu apigwe pia. Siku rais aliongeza Matiang’i mamlaka, huyo jamaa alikua na hasira kwake sana,” stated Wamalwa. 

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