RUTO stuns RAILA over his stand on Mitumba – You won’t believe what he did in Gikomba on Monday?


Wednesday, July 20, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto took the Kenya Kwanza Alliance presidential campaigns in Gikomba market, Nairobi County, on Monday.

He was accompanied by Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja together with other allies.

The Kenya Kwanza Alliance brigade seized the opportunity to bash Azimio la Umoja Alliance leader Raila Odinga for saying that second-hand clothes belonged to dead people.

In a move aimed at not only defending mitumba traders but also supporting their hustler, Ruto stunned everyone, including Raila, when he bought a second-hand jacket for a whopping KSh20,000.

A trader who had attended the Kenya Kwanza Alliance political rally immediately offered Ruto a jacket.

The DP immediately took the microphone and started bargaining for the green jacket.

 “Wacha sasa tupige bei. Hii ni ngapi (Let’s negotiate. How much are you selling this one for?” Ruto, who is gunning for the presidency on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket ahead of the August 2022 polls posed.

The lady asked for KSh2,000 for the short-sleeved jacket upon which Ruto jokingly said it was much.

“Apana elfu mbili ni mingi. Bei ya jioni, huyu mama anataka kuninyoa bila maji, mimi nimechanuka bana usinione hivi (KSh2000 is so much. Let’s trade with the evening price. This lady (seller) wants to shave me without water. I am aware (of the price). That’s too much),” Ruto said.

The seller then offered a KSh 500 discount and the deputy president responded, to the surprise and excitement of many, by reaching his pocket and handing out a bunch of KSh20,0000.

“Take this. Use it to improve your business,” William Ruto said as the crowd cheered.

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