See what UHURU told State House staff about the incoming president as he officially bid them goodbye!


Tuesday, July 26, 2022 – President Uhuru Kenyatta officially bade farewell to all state House staff for performing different roles that have made him realize a successful 10-year tenure as the President.

He did this during a special thanksgiving interfaith prayer to mark his and first Lady Margret Kenyatta’s two-term in office.

He thanked all the staff for the role they played in helping him deliver his mandate as the Head of State.

“On my own behalf, the First Lady, we are grateful to all of you, all departments of State House, for we have worked very well together. We shall miss each one of you, and we will carry fond memories of working together in the service of the Nation,” Uhuru stated.

The president also lauded the staff for providing him with a conducive environment that helped him to be able to deliver his agenda to the country.

“It has, indeed, been a great pleasure and a great joy working with you because if you are working in an environment where you are happy, you are also able to deliver,” he said

Uhuru who is set to retire in August after the polls urged those who will remain at State House to support the incoming administration and serve with the same commitment and dedication to keep the country moving towards greater heights of development.

“The government, the country cannot stop. It will move on. We took the mantle from others and we shall pass it on to others because the country must move forward,” he noted.

He further challenged staff who will remain behind to corporate with the new administration so that it can even achieve more.

“Just like the way we found many of you here, we shall leave many of you here. Mine is to request you to accord the same cooperation to the new administration. Help them to achieve more milestones so that our country can move forward,” the president remarked.

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