Shame on You Bungoma County residents!! – RAILA ODINGA says after an opinion poll put RUTO ahead in the county.


Saturday, July 23, 2022 – Azimio One Kenya Alliance presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, has chastised the people of Bungoma, saying they have let him down after an opinion poll showed his archrival, Kenya Kwanza’s William Ruto, was ahead in the county with 60 percent.

Raila who spoke on Friday in Kimilili, a town mainly occupied by the Bukusu tribe and minority Tesos, said he deserved better having defended the interests of Bungoma people.

“An opinion poll carried out last week shows Raila trailing Ruto in Bungoma. He (Ruto) is at nearly 60 percent and I am at 40 percent. Shame on you people! Shame on you people! Shame on you! I feel very slighted,” he said.

“I look at the forces of liberation in this community: Masinde Muliro, Kijana Wamalwa and asked myself are these people even Bukusus? I thought Bukusus are made of a different material,” he said during the campaign stop in Kimilili accompanied by Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa.

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