This is exactly why DAVID MURATHE is terrified of RUTO’s presidency – Look! Kenyans should even be more terrified.

 Wednesday, July 6, 2022 – Jubilee Party Vice Chairman David Murathe has urged Kenyans not to vote in Deputy President William Ruto as the next Head of State, arguing that his administration may be one of the worst regimes ever. 

Speaking during an interview, Murathe pointed out five dangerous decisions Ruto may make if given power, claiming that such decisions may be punitive and hamper efforts to promote democracy in the country. 

He first claimed that the DP was temperamental and would rule with an iron fist. Murathe, a close ally of President Uhuru Kenyatta cited the leaked audio in which Ruto was recorded allegedly threatening to slap his boss in putting his point across.

“Ruto had the audacity to slap a Reuben Chesire, a Minister during the President Daniel arap Moi era, who was old enough to be his father. He also said he was going to slap Uhuru Kenyatta and was unapologetic. If such a thought can cross his mind, it tells you who you are dealing with.”

“If he can dare to slap the president, what can he do to you (mwananchi)?” Murathe wondered.

He went ahead to claim that Ruto would be an unapologetic president, one who won’t think twice about stamping his authority and achieving his agenda by all means. 

Murathe argued that Ruto’s desire to slap Uhuru was an indication of his personality and character.

At the same time, Murathe claimed that Ruto would change the Constitution to suit his own agenda. Besides, He would never relinquish power if he ever succeeded President Uhuru Kenyatta. 

According to Murathe, the DP is a vindictive leader and someone who would die for power as he indicated in the leaked audio.

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