UHURU refused to come to a meeting organized by bishops for reconciliation – DP RUTO spills the beans on his fall out with the President.

 Friday, July 8, 2022 – Kenya Kwanza Alliance presidential candidate, William Ruto, has disclosed that President Uhuru Kenyatta refused to meet for reconciliatory talks despite attempts by religious leaders.

Speaking on Thursday during an interview with KTN News, Ruto claimed the meeting was convened by Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit but Uhuru failed to attend.

“Bishops talked to me, they talked to the president. When they came back to me I told them I want to have a chat with my boss, but he refused. He flatly refused. He denied the bishop a chance for me to have a talk with him. Ask ACK bishop Ole Sapit,” Ruto said.

The DP made the remarks when explaining his alleged tiff between him and the president.

The DP said he has faced humiliation numerous times after falling out with the president.

He took a swipe at the ODM leader Raila Odinga and his running mate, Martha Karua, saying they would not have persevered if they were in his position.

“I have been a very patient person. The kind of humiliation I have been subjected to by my boss, nobody could have taken it. If it was Raila or Martha Karua, they would have done drastic things already,” he said.

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