Woman who “terminated” her pregnancy months ago and has been getting her period discovers she is almost 9 months pregnant


Monday, July 25, 2022 – A woman just discovered that she will welcome a baby in less than two weeks, despite not knowing she was pregnant.

The expectant mother took to twitter to reveal that she went to the hospital for an abortion in January 2022 when she found out she was pregnant.

Since then, she said she’s been getting her periods every month but recently felt something kicking in her body, which she assumed was gas.

She went to the doctor on July 23, 2022, and was told that she is 8 months pregnant and her due date is August 7, less than two weeks away.

When asked if it’s possible she was carrying twins and only one was aborted, she said it’s just one baby and he survived the termination attempt.

See tweets below.

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