You won’t believe what UHURU told Bishops about meeting and reconciling with RUTO as the DP finally spills the beans.


Friday, July 8, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto has laid the blame squarely on President Uhuru Kenyatta over their escalating bad blood, which is spinning out of control.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Ruto claimed that Uhuru turned down efforts to bury the hatchet.

The DP insinuated that he extended an olive branch to his boss, who blatantly shot it down even with the intervention of religious leaders.

According to Ruto, religious leaders took up the matter, but Uhuru shot down their reconciliation requests.

“Bishops talk to me. They talk to the President too. When they came to me, I told them I want to have a chat with my boss. He flatly refused,” Ruto stated during a Nairobi town hall meeting.

Admitting that the bad blood between them was getting out of hand, Ruto asserted that his boss has allegedly been humiliating him.

“It is really unfortunate, and I regret the rivalry has gone this way. I have been a very patient person, the kind of humiliation I have been subjected to by my boss, nobody could have taken it. If it was Raila Odinga or Martha Karua, they could have done dreadful things already,” Ruto lamented.

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