A 9-year-old boy caught driving to school along Mombasa Road and takes police on a high-speed chase along the busy road (VIDEO).


Wednesday, August 24, 2022 – A 9-year-old boy was caught by the police driving along Mombasa Road on Wednesday morning.

The minor, who was dressed in school uniform, was driving his sister to school while in the company of their father.

Drama is said to have ensued after traffic police officers signaled the boy to stop.

He instead accelerated the family’s car towards Athi River.

Athi River Base Commander Agnes Makau confirmed the incident and said police were able to intercept the car just before entering the school where the two students attend.

“Our officers managed to corner the boy, who was driving at high speed, before he went past the school gate. He was driving dangerously and he had not fastened the safety belt,” the police boss told the media.

The father was arrested and the pupils were taken to school in a police vehicle.

Below is a video of the police boss addressing the media.

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