Azimio leaders who have joined RUTO’s Kenya Kwanza in deep trouble as Registrar of Political Parties breaks her silence – You won’t believe what she said!

 Saturday, August 20, 2022 – The Registrar of Political Parties, Anne Nderitu, has warned Azimio politicians who are joining President-elect William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza that their days are numbered.

According to her, politicians seeking to shift allegiance to other coalitions after the August 9 elections will have to terminate their initial pacts and resign from parties that sponsored them to win elective seats.

Although she acknowledged that members of political parties have the right to associate with any coalition, she stated that the law does not envisage a situation where a single party can be a signatory to more than one coalition. 

 “They can associate however they want but they cannot be in two coalitions – they have to resign from one. So far, I have not received a request from any party that wants to leave a coalition,” Nderitu stated

Similar sentiments were echoed by Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, who warned the party’s members from joining Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza because they risked losing their seats. 

“Know that you risk losing your seat whether it’s at the county assembly or parliamentary seat for the law provides that,” Kioni responded to the mass exodus of Azimio MPs to Kenya Kwanza.

On his part, Raila Odinga’s campaign Spokesperson Prof. Makau Mutua condemned the move by Ruto to illegally woo Azimio leaders to his camp.

“Ruto should know that it is illegal for him, or others, to induce members to purport to leave Azimio,” stated Makau Mutua arguing that Ruto wanted to take Kenya back to the one-party-state era. 

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