Big blow to RAILA ODINGA as Supreme Court Judge ISAAC LENAOLA says this about vote recount – The Game is over!


Wednesday, August 24, 2022 – On Monday this week, Azimio One Kenya Alliance leader, Raila Odinga, moved to the Supreme Court where he filed a petition challenging President-Elect William Ruto’s controversial win in the just concluded presidential election.

Raila Odinga, who was accompanied by his running mate, Martha Karua, and a battery of lawyers, argued that Ruto who was declared the winner of the election didn’t win the election.

The former Prime Minister further requested the court to order a recount of the votes to establish who won the election between him and Ruto.

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairman Wafula Chebukati claimed Ruto garnered 7,176,141 votes, representing 50.49 percent of valid votes cast, beating Raila Odinga who had 6,942,930 votes (48.85 percent).

Raila, in his plea to the apex court, said Ruto didn’t reach the 50 percent +1 vote and requested the court to order a recount.

However, according to Supreme Court Judge Isaac Lenaola, the court cannot order a recount because the bench’s 14-day time frame was insufficient for them to carefully examine the election results.

Lenaola claimed that the Supreme Court has seven days to examine petitions and seven days for political parties who feel they have been wronged to file them, limiting the amount of time that could be needed to mandate a recount.

“The framers of the Constitution gave us 14 days, and it is insufficient to carefully examine the results. ” Lenaola said.

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