CHEBUKATI’s numbers don’t add up – Here is the list of counties where IEBC inflated votes to rig RAILA in favor of RUTO!

 Wednesday, August 24, 2022 – Azimio Leader Raila Odinga filed a petition on Monday at the Supreme Court challenging William Ruto’s presidential win.

In the 72-page petition, Raila alleged that none of the four Presidential candidates in the August 9 elections had achieved the 50% plus one vote threshold.

Raila’s legal team further claimed that they have evidence that IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati fraudulently gave William Ruto 217,631 extra votes to ensure that he slightly crossed the 50% plus one vote threshold required to win the presidency.

According to Chebukati, Ruto polled 7, 176, 141 votes against Raila’s 6, 942, 930 votes.

As such, Ruto exceeded the 50 percent plus one vote threshold by 69,000 votes.

Raila went ahead and said that Chebukati divided the 217,631 votes to nearly all the 47 counties with Murang’a being the highest.

Here are among the counties where Raila believes Chebukati stole the votes in favor of William Ruto.

County – Number of votes

  1. Murang’a 33, 055
  2. Nakuru 30,870
  3. Narok 31,653
  4. Kericho 14,244
  5. Bomet 15,061
  6. Bungoma 3,342
  7. Busia 2,979
  8. Siaya 13
  9. Kisumu 125
  10. Marsabit 1,157
  11. Turkana 10,340
  12. Samburu 5,056
  13. Trans Nzoia 13,423
  14. Mombasa 15,061
  15. Vihiga 8,616
  16. West Pokot 9,270
  17. Nyamira 4,814
  18. Kajiado 2,098
  19. Kakamega 1,375

Further, Raila argues that the discrepancies in Forms 34A, 34B, and Form 34C “vary to an extent that the numbers cannot be verified.”

The former Prime Minister further stated that the voter turnout and the final number of votes do not rhyme.

“The voter turnout and the results of the presidential results announced by Chebukati are not accurate nor are they verifiable,” Raila said.

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