Forget all the rumors, this is how RUTO beat RAILA ODINGA, ‘deep state’ and ‘dynasties’ to become Kenya’s 5th President (MUST READ)

Wednesday, 17 August 2022- If there’s one thing that hasn’t changed about Homo Sapiens Sapiens in her 300,000-year walk on the face of the earth and even further back in our lineage, is that we’re a hierarchical species and we follow the dominant alpha male.

This is what got Trump elected and why Biden’s approval is in the toilet. People simply respected Ruto more for his lion-hearted fight against the “dynasties” and “deep state”.

They saw in Raila an old leader who was past it.

And the way the young lion comes and fights the elder leader of the troop, they flocked to the younger buck, (by a hair’s margin); but they did.

This perfectly explains our voting patterns.

Our societies are advanced but at the base, we’re still territorial males fighting for land, women, and resources, and the dominant male either fights his way to the top or scares the others away by beating his chest very hard.

Hence the saying, “Ruto ni Mwanamme”; Politics happens in the ancient parts of our brain, the Limbic brain (the oldest part where feelings of loyalty and belonging happen) not the Neocortex (the younger part where reason and logic happen).

 It’s evolutionary science.

There’s a change in guard in Kenyan politics.

The new generation will now have its chance to lead for good or for evil.

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