I never said that my friend RUTO will never be president – ATWOLI now changes tune after his prediction against the president-elect backfired on him.


Wednesday, August 17, 2022 – Outspoken COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli has been forced to eat his own words.

This is after his prediction against President-elect William Ruto backfired badly on him, following his election as the 5th president of Kenya, beating Azimio candidate Raila Odinga by more than 200,000 votes.

Atwoli, a staunch critic of Ruto, had claimed that the DP will never be president before ODM Leader Raila Odinga.

He even went ahead to claim that Ruto’s name will not even be on the ballot paper come August 2022.

“Ruto will never lead Kenya. We shall have a President in 2022, but it will not be William Ruto,” the Cotu boss said in 2019.

A few months ago, Atwoli reiterated the same words saying: “I said it in 2014 that William Ruto will never be president. That is still my position.”

However, on Monday, IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati declared William Ruto the fifth president-elect of the Republic of Kenya.

Reacting to the IEBC declaration, Atwoli changed tune, saying he has never said that Ruto will never be president.

Atwoli refuted claims that he said William Ruto’s win will be snatched.

He said the Kenyan Constitution is clear that whoever wins the elections will be the president.

“I have never said that… I have never said that William Samoei Ruto if he wins he will not be allowed… I have never used such terms. If you have won elections, you have won elections. It is covered in our constitution and you will be the president of the Republic of Kenya,” Atwoli said.

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