“I’m transitioning to male” ESPN reporter M.A. VOEPEL says


Wednesday, August 10, 2022 – ESPN reporter M.A. Voepel has revealed that she is transitioning to male.

The reporter has been covering sports for the outlet for over two decades.

Voepel said he decided to open up about his true self this week because he’s slated to receive the Naismith Hall of Fame’s Gowdy Award next month and he wanted to be there “as authentic self.”

Voepel said: “Fear can keep us paralyzed for decades, especially when we think we will lose all that is dear to us, including career.

“At some point, you realize you need to have faith that your happiness/well-being is worth pursuing, and also have faith in other people’s kindness and grace. Grateful for a company that supports all of its employees, for terrific family and friends, and for societal progress.

Voepel, who formerly went by Mechelle Voepel, added, “Please feel free to call me Voepel, MV, Michael, Mike; I’m good with them all.”

Following his announcement, several ESPN personalities congratulated him.

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