Is RAILA ODINGA begging for a handshake with RUTO behind the scenes? See what he did that has cleared all doubts.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022 – Kenya Kwanza has read mischief in the tonnes of evidence that Azimio Leader Raila Odinga has presented to the Supreme Court as he seeks to nullify President-elect William Ruto’s controversial win.

Commenting on the petition, Kericho Senator-elect, Aaron Cheruiyot, said Raila’s petition is not aimed at challenging Ruto’s win as earlier claimed.

Cheruiyot, a fierce critic of Raila Odinga, in a statement posted on Twitter on Monday, August 22, said Raila’s main agenda is to seek a handshake with president-elect William Ruto.

“The Azimio petition revolves around the culpability of Chebukati. They want him hanged so as to occasion a crisis. ODM thrives on violence and anarchy. They want a situation where the country will be on the brink. Then boom, talks, and finally the usual handshake,” Cheruiyot said.

This comes even as Ruto categorically ruled out a power-sharing arrangement with Raila after being declared the President-elect by IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati last week.

Raila Odinga filed a petition challenging William Ruto’s presidential win.

Raila, who was accompanied by his running mate, Martha Karua, Kalonzo Musyoka, and other leaders allied to the coalition, lodged the petition and voluminous documentary evidence at the Supreme Court.

Unlike in the previous petitions, this year’ was controversial after a lorry was seen making its way to the precincts of the Supreme Court and in it were tonnes of evidence packed in 39 carton boxes.

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