MIZANI AFRIKA staff member caught red-handed demanding Sh 200,000 bribe from a politician’s aide (Audio).

 Friday, August 5, 2022 – The credibility of Mizani Afrika polls have been put into question after one of the staff members was recorded demanding a bribe from a politician’s aide to release a poll that favors him.

The rogue staff member identified as Marto asked for Ksh 200,000 to put the politician ahead of his competitors.

Marto revealed that they will release a final poll this coming Monday- a day before the elections and if the unidentified politician from Western is interested in securing a slot, he should send the money.

Polls released by Mizani have been sparking reactions among Kenyans.

Some of the politicians who are not popular on the ground have been put ahead of their popular competitors, leading to rumours that politicians pay the pollster to manipulate the numbers.

Listen to the leaked audio of a Mizani Afrika staff member asking for a bribe.

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