MUTULA KILONZO Jnr urges DP RUTO to prepare to be the opposition leader – BABA is the 5th!

 Friday, August 5, 2022 – Makueni County Senator, Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, has attacked Kenya Kwanza Alliance presidential hopeful William Ruto after he said he will give former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka a job if he forms the government in August.

Ruto, who spoke in Makueni County on Thursday, said Kalonzo was betrayed by Azimio One Kenya Alliance presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, for not naming him as his running mate and promised him a senior government post once he forms the government in August.

Ruto claimed Raila Odinga betrayed Kalonzo by naming Martha Karua as his running mate.

But in a rejoinder, Mutula, who is Kalonzo Musyoka‘s foot soldier, said his boss is not interested in his job because Kenya Kwanza Alliance will be in the opposition.

Mutula maintained Raila Odinga is the fifth President of Kenya and Kalonzo will be the Chief Minister.

“We don’t want Kalonzo to be given a job because he has already been given one by Raila Odinga. DP Ruto should wait to live in the opposition the way we did,” Mutula said on Friday.

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