NZIOKA WAITA accused of sending goons to torch opponent’s car and house – His new car was reduced to ashes (PHOTOs).

 Friday, August 5, 2022 – Goons are reported to have raided the home of the Chama Cha Uzalendo(CCU) Secretary-General Philippe Sadja in Machakos County and torched his car and house.

They made their way to Sadja’s home on Thursday night, days after he staged a walk-out from Nzioka Waita, who is eyeing the governorship on a CCU ticket and backed Wavinya Ndeti.

Wavinya Ndeti condemned the attack and hinted that Nzioka Waita had a hand in it.

“I have just been informed that a car belonging to the CCU Secretary General Phillipe Sadja has been torched at his home in Machakos. The assailants have also destroyed water tanks in the compound. Curiously this is coming a week after he jumped ship from our opponent’s camp and boldly decided to support my candidature,” Wavinya wrote on Facebook.

Before the attack, Nzioka had reportedly sent threats to the victim for leaving his camp.

Below are photos of the torched car and house.

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