Ogopa Mchina! See what Chinese men are doing to Luo women both married and single that has raised concerns? Men watch out for your wives.

 Monday, August 1, 2022 – Homa Bay woman rep Gladys Wanga has warned married Luo men in the county to hide their spouses from the Chinese men or else they will cry in the toilet.

This is after it emerged that Chinese men are luring desperate women from Luo Nyanza, impregnating them and then vanishing in the air.

Speaking in jest at Adiedo trading center, Kanyaluo Ward in Karachuonyo Constituency, Wanga, who is eying the Homa Bay gubernatorial seat in the upcoming election, warned that ladies will soon give birth to children with small eyes if men will not protect their wives and daughters from Chinese men.

 “Give the Chinese everything but not your women. If you don’t take care, we will have children with small eyes. Just on a light note,” Wanga said.

Wanga was speaking during the launch of the construction of the 18-KM Adiedo-Karabok Road.

She requested locals to accord the Chinese contractor the necessary support needed to complete the road in the stipulated two years.

She, however, warned that there would be numerous half-Asian babies in the area with nobody to support them because the contractor would have left.

Since the Chinese were contracted to build road networks in the region, they have been accused of making sexual advances on local women.

The Chinese have further been faulted for siring babies with local women and then going missing as the women cannot easily differentiate the man that she sired the offspring with.

This has left the women to single-handedly raise half Asian babies.

According to Samuel Owida, an opinion leader in Homa Bay, the Chinese men easily lure women workers due to their heavy pockets.

Owida said even though the foreigners cannot speak local languages, local women are easily targeted due to the tough economic crisis as the Chinese communicate with the vulnerable through cash.

“The consequences of such relationships have been proven in some parts of the country where the children are born with Chinese features,” he said.

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